The Art of Time and Green

Interview with Emanuele Svetti from Studio Svetti Architecture

Interview with Emanuele Svetti from Studio Svetti Architecture

In a pleasant afternoon meeting, we had the opportunity to sit down with Emanuele Svetti, the founder and soul of Studio Svetti Architecture, for an informal yet insight-rich chat. Immersed in a context of creativity and passion for design, Emanuele unveiled the secrets of his design approach, focused on interior design and how this can improve the quality of life for people, harmoniously integrating natural elements and attention to time.

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Emanuele, tell us about your studio. What philosophy drives your work?

Hello Giorgio, thank you for the interest. Studio Svetti Architecture was born with the idea of being a meeting point for creative professionals, from architects to artists, all with a common denominator: the passion for creating unique spaces. Over the years, we have refined our team to be more focused and efficient, concentrating on projects that really make a difference to those who experience them.

Is there a particular project you'd like to talk about today?

Yes, the "Allegro" project is the one that is closest to my heart at the moment. It was a real challenge, a residential project that embraces the idea of luxury in terms of space and quality of life, with a strong emphasis on well-being and the integration of greenery. It has engaged us for years, but seeing the final result pays off every effort.

How do you integrate the concept of greenery into your projects?

For me, greenery is essential, not just as an aesthetic element but as an integral part of the life of the spaces we design. The idea of biophilia, of an intrinsic connection between man and nature, guides many of our design choices. We are increasingly oriented towards the use of live plants, for a deeper coherence with the principles of sustainability and ethics we want to promote.

Have you recently found any interesting ideas on how greenery can be integrated into spaces?

Absolutely. In Turin, I recently visited an exhibition that explored precisely this theme, showing innovative experiments like underwater cultivation. These approaches make us understand how broad the field of exploration is to integrate greenery in always new and sustainable ways.

And in terms of sustainable architecture, what is your vision?

Sustainability is crucial, but it must be understood in an authentic way. Too often, I see a tendency to use it as a mere marketing tool. For me, real sustainability is the kind that manages to balance environmental needs with human ones, creating spaces that truly serve people and their well-being.

So, what is the key concept that guides your work today?

I would say "time". In an increasingly frenetic world, the true luxury is having spaces that enrich our time, allowing us to fully live it. This is the real essence of luxury in my work: creating environments that enhance every moment spent within them.

And so, the human element remains at the center of your creative process?

Exactly. Architecture and design must always start from people, from their stories, needs, and desires. Our goal is to improve the lives of those who will inhabit the spaces we create, making them places where time spent becomes precious.

Thank you, Emanuele, for sharing your vision with us.

Interview conducted by Giorgio Tartaro

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