Wall vegetable garden

Green wall for interiors and exteriors

Our projects

Wall garden: What does it consist of?

A vertical wall consists solely of natural material. Verde Profilo with its innovative MOSSwall system creates wall gardens that do not require maintenance, water or soil, and only require an air humidity rate of between 40 and 50%, which is standard in an indoor environment.

◼️ Composition Green wall made only with natural materials
◼️ Maintenance No regular maintenance, water or soil required
◼️ Environmental benefits Purifies the air, reduces noise and maintains stable humidity levels
◼️ Benefits for people Reduces stress and increases concentration and productivity
◼️ Fixing Two options: substructure or screws and plugs
◼️ Applications Suitable for any indoor environment, both as background or protagonist

What are the benefits of a wall garden?

Indoor wall gardens can reduce noise and stress, purify the environment of harmful molecules, particles and microorganisms, and increase concentration, satisfaction and productivity by up to 15%.

How is the wall garden fixed?

The fixing of wall gardens marketed by Verde Profilo involves two different systems, either by means of a substructure or with screws and wall plugs.

What is substructure fixing?

Fixing with a sub-structure is recommended for large, stabilised wall gardens, as it allows for quick fixing, the passage of any pipes or electrical cables, as well as easy replacement. The substructure of Verde Profilo is designed to work with the MOSSwall panel, a 60x40 cm sheet metal panel covered with stabilised lichen.

What does wall fixing consist of?

Wall fixing using screws and dowels is possible for small plant walls, each MOSSwall panel is equipped with 4 bushings for the passage of screws that will then be screwed into the wall. The panel side is equipped with a female/male coupling system, which allows for a uniform installation, leaving no gaps between the panels.

Where can an indoor plant wall be installed?

An indoor wall garden is suitable for any application, whether as a backdrop or as a protagonist it will always characterise the environment in which it is inserted; below are photos of one of our recent installations.

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Via Fratelli Cervi, 2
20875 Burago di Molgora (MB)


T +39 039 653081

SWISS Headquarters

Via G. Calgari 2,
6900 Lugano


T +41 091 9859064

© 2025 © Verde Profilo Srl PI/CF: 06947710965 sede legale: via valletta 13 - Usmate Velate 20865 MB - Italia