Green Offices - Well-Being and Productivity

Well-being, stress reduction, sound absorption, air purification, 15% increase in productivity, these are some of the consequences of the presence of greenery in the workplace.

Recent research carried out by Marlon Nieuwenhuis, researcher at Cardiff University in collaboration with various academic institutions (University of Exeter, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and University of Queensland, Australia) examined efficiency and mood for a limited period of the workers in 3 Dutch offices and 3 London offices with and without greenery in the workplace.

The results showed that the quality of working life in green offices is better than in minimalist and empty offices.

It is well known that the presence of plants in indoor environments guarantees better air quality but perhaps not everyone knows that they help in decision making and increase cognitive abilities, improving concentration. In fact, molecules such as carbon dioxide and other organic compounds released into the environment from materials or substances usually used in offices that lower concentration and slow thinking.

In the 1980s, NASA also became interested in verifying and demonstrating how plants are able to purify air in indoor environments by reducing the "sick building syndrome" and the consequent absence of the worker by 40%.

To the well-known relaxing effects that help to reduce stress, a fundamental property is added, namely sound absorption, if plants or vertical gardens or green walls are correctly positioned, are able to absorb sound and reduce reverberation, helping to further improve the workplace.

So the presence of plants into the office, which contrasts with the streamlined and minimal ideology on which numerous large offices have been designed, is an excellent investment to improve productivity and working life.

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