Bigsee Award 2020

Verde Profilo has been given a special certificate for being a project partner in the BIGSEE ARCHITECTURE AWARD 2020 project "DIAMOND TREE" which is one of the award-winning projects.

Designed and made by 3ndy Studio, Diamond Tree was born from an architectural concept employing innovative materials, especially MOSSwall®, and is centred around a ground-breaking vision of living space.

The name given to this project, Diamond Tree, perfectly describes the aesthetic and architectural values that inspired the architects: the external shape, in fact, recalls the cut of a precious stone. Nature, moreover, symbolised by the inner wall dressed with our stabilised natural moss and the tree planted within the patio, is in continuous communication with the interior through the constant interaction between materials, spaces, energies and light.

Suggestive natural wall

MOSSwall® Fusion was used inside the Villa, in particular in its Wasabi edition. We take inspiration from nature, that's why Fusion was born with it's different 3 lichens: just as in nature you find different plants that coexist, so you can have them on your wall.

PROJECT PARTNERS: GSE srl - Vitrocasa and Fabbio Design - Oikos Venezia srl - Lapitec SpA - Vimar - Verde Profilo srl - Tecnosystem SNC - Marconati Impianti srl - Antonio Lupi Design SpA - Salvatori.

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