Green roofs incentives

Green economy and green roofs

In view of the new Milan building regulation, it puts energy efficiency on the agenda.

green change that starts from the roofs, with systems of green surface, whether it is partial or complete. A green roof has many advantages starting from the increase of living area in a building (plus green and open air, which is rare in a city like Milan), less heat loss in winter and consequent energy saving and a more efficient coverage in the summer by decreasing the heat islands, a decrease in CO2 in the air and a slowdown in the discharge of sewerage water during downpours.

One of the objectives of the new building regulation will be to provide incentives that can facilitate the creation of new green roofs.

Between 2013 and 2016 the Municipality of Milan developed a specific analysis of the spaces available for an invasion of green roofs and it was ascertained that today we have 32 million square meters of roofs available in the city, of which 970 thousand square meters are of roofs that already have a green surface.

Among these 32 million square meters, the "optimal" roofs were selected, verifying their geometric characteristics, obtaining an area of 13 million square meters, which could potentially be green.

The data, however, remains indicative as each roof must be structurally verified in order to support a roof garden, but anyway a good starting point for a future Green City.

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